eyebrow tattoo removal bangkok Remove a tattoo completely, or just cover it up? "I have a tattoo of my ex's name right across the front of my chest. She was great until she wasn't, that's all I can really say about her! Obviously I need to get this off but my friend who had laser removal said I might want to just do a cover-up instead. What are your thoughts, Dorian?" Coverups can do a lot more than you think You may think that covering up Jessica or Cassondra in block letters would be a difficult job. You might be surprised. Oftentimes we can hide these in dragons or other extremely complex designs. If the pattern is written in cursive, vines are an option, mystical figures, you name it. Any artist worth his salt can take what you have as a base and suggest multiple options to you. best tattoo removal johannesburg As for me? I guess I got lucky because my ex had a short name :-) Lots of options there. If you want it totally gone ...